Marty Melville / AFP - Getty Images
Little Blue Penguins runs towards the sea after being released by wild life workers and school children at Mount Maunganui beach in Tauranga on Thursday, Dec. 8, 2011.
Marty Melville / AFP - Getty Images
Wild life workers and school children release Little Blue Penguins.
Marty Melville / AFP - Getty Images
Wild life workers and school children release Little Blue Penguins back into the sea at Mount Maunganui beach.

Forty-nine penguins rescued from an oil spill off New Zealand have been freed after being cleaned and nursed back to health by wildlife officials.
The birds released Tuesday are among 343 little blue penguins that have been cleaned of oil since a cargo ship ran aground on a reef near Tauranga on Oct. 5 and spilled some 400 tons of fuel oil.
Forty-nine penguins rescued from an oil spill off New Zealand have been freed after being cleaned and nursed back to health by wildlife officials.
The birds released Tuesday are among 343 little blue penguins that have been cleaned of oil since a cargo ship ran aground on a reef near Tauranga on Oct. 5 and spilled some 400 tons of fuel oil.
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